
Three-Dimensional Problem of Perfect Plasticity (Kinematic Equations Determining Three-Dimensional Plastic Flow for a Facet and Edge of the Tresca Prism)

In the present study a system of partial differential equations which describes kinematic of three-dimensional plastic flow for the states corresponding to an edge of the Tresca prism is obtained. The system includes the Cauchy equations and the compatibility equations formulated for the displacements and strains increments. These equations are then analysed by the aid of the triorthogonal isostatic coordinate net. The system of kinematic equations is shown correctly determines displacements increments and be of the hyperbolic type.

Asymptotic Methods in Dynamics of Shells under Shock Loading

The paper deals with the asymptotic methods, developed for creating a mathematic model of non-stationary wave propagation in shells of revolution under shock impacts of tangential, bending types and shock impacts of normal type; the methods are also aimed at solving the boundary value problems for the strain-stress state (SSS) components with different values of variability and dynamicity indices. Classification of asymptotic approximations is also presented. This classification defines three different types of separation scheme of non-stationary SSS.