
Numerical Investigation of Spectrums of Three-Dimensional Turbulent Convection

The three-dimensional turbulent convectional flows of viscous and incompressible fluid in a rectangular parallelepiped numerically is simulated at heating from below. The horizontal boundaries are stress-free and isothermal. The calculated time spectrum of temperature pulsations at supercriticality is equal to 410 in centre of convective cell has a good agreement with experimental data for convection in cryogenic He. The Obukhov – Bolgiano spectra k−11/5, k−3 and k−5 have been found for velocity pulsations.

Mathematical Modeling of Longitudinal Blauofthe System of Homogeneous Rodsabout Rigid Barrir at Increase Long Solids

Mathematical modeling of longitudinal elastic central blow of non-homogeneous rod system about a rigid barrier is carried out, at not-holding connections. Mathematical modeling is carried out by the exact analytical decision of the wave differential equation by method of Dalamber with the setting of necessary initial and boundary conditions. The rod system consists of a step non-homogeneous rod and a homogeneous rod of constant cross section. Connections with a rigid barrier and between rods are not-holding.

Modelling of Microcirculation: Unsteady Interstitial Fluid Flow in Tissue

Microcirculation is a key element of human metabolism. Every pathological condition of human organism causes different changes in blood flow. And vice versa, many of the microcirculatory disorders appear before and stay longer after then other disease symptoms. Modelling of microcirculation help us to understand complex interconnected metabolic processes, to find out causes of different diseases and to offer ways of their treatment.

Mathematical modelling of loss of stability of system of step and homogeneous cores at blow about the rigid barrier Tymoshenko's method

Mathematical modeling of longitudinal elastic central blow of system of step and homogeneous cores about a rigid barrier is carried out, at not holding communications by a solution of the wave equation by Dalamber's method. On the basis of the law of conservation of energy by Tymoshenko's method the size of critical compressing loading according to which, the size of critical pretonic speed leading to loss of stability of considered rod system further pays off. 

Mathematical modelling of critical speed of the multistage core at longitudinal blow

Mathematical modeling of longitudinal elastic central blow of a multistage core about a rigid barrier is carried out, at not keeping communications. Mathematical modeling is carried out by the exact analytical decision of the wave differential equation by a method of Dalamber with the task of necessary initial and boundary conditions. With application of the formula of Euler analytical expression for calculation of critical pretonic speed at which there comes loss of stability of a step core is received. 

Modeling of the shock system motion with impacts about hard barriers

Abstract: We have developed a model of a shock system with a resilient member under periodic force action including impacts about hard barriers. In order to model the shock system we have developed a program providing a computational solution for differential equations of a subject motion taking into account conditions of periodicity and collision, graphical and numerical reproduction of motion parameters in the simulation process. We have performed simulation of modes of the shock system.