
Quaternion Models and Algorithms for Solving the General Problem of Optimal Reorientation of Spacecraft Orbit

The problem of optimal reorientation of the spacecraft orbit is considered in quaternion formulation. Control (vector of the acceleration of the jet thrust) is limited in magnitude. To solve the problem it is required to determine the optimal orientation of this vector in space. It is necessary to minimize the duration of the process of reorientation of the spacecraft orbit. To describe the motion of the center of mass of the spacecraft we used quaternion differential equation of the orientation of the spacecraft orbit. The problem was solved using the maximum principle of L. S.

Equilibrium Analysis of the Tethered Tug Debris System with Fuel Residuals

The problem of tethered transportation of space debris is considered. The system consists of orbit tug, tether, and passive spacecraft with fuel residuals. The planar motion on circular orbit is studied in the orbital frame. Nonlinear motion equations are obtained by Lagrangian formalism. They consider action of the space tug-thrust and gravitational moments. Two variants of stable positions of relative equilibrium are defined. They depend on main parameters of the tethered system: aspect ratio and mass ratio.

Calculating of the Fastest Spacecraft Flights between Circular Orbits

The problem of optimal reorientation of spacecraft orbit is considered in quaternion formulation. Control (jet thrust vector orthogonal to the plane of the orbit) is limited in magnitude. It is necessary to minimize the duration of the process of reorientation of the spacecraft orbit. To describe the motion of the spacecraft center of mass quaternion differential equations of the orientation of the orbital coordinate system was used.

Analytical Solution of Differential Equations of Circular Spacecraft Orbit Orientation

The problem of optimal reorientation of spacecraft’s orbit with a limited control, orthogonal to the plane of spacecraft orbit is being investigated. We have found an analytical solution of differential equations of circular spacecraft orbit orientation by control that is permanent on adjacent parts of the active spacecraft’s motion.

Investigation of the Problem of Optimal Correction of Angular Elements of the Spacecraft Orbit Using Quaternion Differential Equation of Orbit Orientation

In this paper we consider the problem of optimal correction of angular elements of the spacecraft orbit. Control (jet thrust vector orthogonal to the plane of the orbit) is limited by absolute value. The combined quality functional characterizes the amount of time and energy consumption. With the help of the Pontryagin maximum principle and quaternion differential equation of the spacecraft orbit orientation, we have formulated differential boundary value problem of correction of the angular elements of the spacecraft orbit.

Solution of a Problem of Spacecraft’s Orbit Optimal Reorientation Using Quaternion Equations of Orbital System of Coordinates Orientation

The problemof optimal reorientation of the spacecraft’s orbit is solved with the help of the Pontryagin maximum principle and quaternion equations. Control (thrust vector, orthogonal to the orbital plane) is limited inmagnitude. Functional, which determines a quality of control process, is weighted sum of time and impulse (or square) of control. We have formulated a differential boundary problems of reorientation of spacecraft’s orbit. Optimal control laws, transversality conditions, not containing Lagrange multipliers, examples of numerical solution of the problem are given.

Analytical Solution of Equations of Near-circular Spacecraft’s Orbit Orientation

The problem of optimal reorientation of spacecraft’s orbit with a limited control, orthogonal to the plane of spacecraft’s orbit, is considered. An approximate analytical solution of differential equations of near-circular spacecraft’s orbit orientation by control, that is permanent on adjacent parts of the active spacecraft’s motion, is obtained.