
On Conditions for Distributivity or Modularity of Congruence Lattices of Commutative Unary Algebras

The paper is devoted to the problem of describing unary algebras whose congruence lattices have a given property. By now this problem has been solved for algebras with one unary operation. In the paper it is shown that this problem is much more difficult for arbitrary commutative unary algebras. We give some necessary conditions for such lattices to be distributive or modular. Besides, it is proved here that a lattice of all subsets of a set is isomorphic to the congruence lattice of a suitable connected commutative unary algebra.

Some Questions of Number-theoretical Method in Approximation Analysis

This article gives an overview of several actual problems of optimal coefficients method. This overview was done on September 12, 2013 on XI internation conference «Algebra and number theory: modern problems and applications» in Saratov city.

On an Additive Problem with Squarefree Numbers

An asymptotic formula for the number of representations of a positive integer N in the form q1 + q2 + [®q3] is obtained, where q1, q2, q3 are squarefree numbers and ® > 1 is a fixed irrational algebraic number.

Arithmetic Properties of Generalized Fibonacci Sequence and Their Consequences

In this paper we obtain some arithmetic properties of generalized Fibonacci sequence and consider their applications.

On Classes of Groupoids of Relations with Diophantine Operations

In the paper the bases of identities of varieties generated by classes of groupoids of the binary relations with diophantine operations are found.

Полупростые градуированные кольца

The graded version ofWedderburn–Artin theorem is obtained. It gives description of semisimpleG-graded ring for arbitrary groupG. Homological classification of graded semisimple rings is given.

Mathematical life of G. I. Arkhipov

This paper presents the most important discoveries made by outstanding mathematician G. I. Arhkipov since the end of 60s to the middle of 2000s.

To the Problem of the Integrity of the Artin’s L-functions

In this paper was described a class of Artin’s L-functions, each of which is meromorphic, their poles lays on the critical line Re s = 1/2 and coincides with zeroes of Dedekind’s Z-functions of some fields.

Inverse problem for Sturm–Liouville operator on the half-line having nonintegrable singularity in an interior point

The inverse problem of recovering Sturm–Liouville operators on the half-line with a nonintegrable Bessel-type singularity in an interior point from the given Weyl function is studied. The corresponding uniqueness theorem is proved, a constructive procedure for the solution of the inverse problem is provided. Necessary and sufficient conditions of the solvability of the inverse problem are obtained. 

Necessary and sufficient conditions of belonging to the Besov–Potapov classes and Fourier coefficients with respect to multiplicative systems

 In this paper we obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for a function to belong to the Besov–Potapov classes. Using functions with Fourier coefficients with respect to multiplicative systems from the class GM, we show the sharpness of some these results. 
