In the paper, the integral operator with kernel having discontinuities of the first kind at the lines t = x and t = 1 − x is studied. The equiconvergence of Fourier expansions for arbitrary integrable function f(x) in eigenfunctions and associated functions of the considered operator and expansions of linear combination of functions f(x) and f(1 − x) in trigonometric system is proved. The equiconvergence is studied using the method based on integration of the resolvent using spectral value. Methods, developed by A. P.
For the integral operator, which kernel has jump discontinuities on the sides and diagonals of the four equal subsquares of the unit square 0 ≤ x, t ≤ 1, Riesz basisness of its eigen and associated functions is proved.
Spectral properties of the integral operator with an involution of special type in the upper limit are studied and an equiconvergence theorem for its generalized eigenfunction expansions is obtained.
The paper deals with integral operators on the simplest geometric two-edge graph containing the cycle. The class of integral operators with range of values satisfying continuity condition into internal node of graph is described. The equiconvergence of expansions in eigen and adjoint functions and trigonometric Fourier series is established.
In the paper we consider the equiconvergence of expansions in trigonometric Fourier series and in eigen- and associated functions of integral operators with involution having discontinuities of the first type.
Для интегральных операторов со скачком ядра на диагонали найдены необходимые и достаточные условия их обратимости. Установлено условие,обеспечивающее равносходимость рядов Фурье по собственным функциям этих операторов и тригонометрических рядов Фурье.
The equiconvergence of expansions in eigen- and associated functions of integral operators with non-smooth involution and trigonometric Fourier series are established.
Algebra (with identity) generated by integral operators on the spaces of continuous periodic functions is considered. This algebra is proved to be an inverse-closed subalgebra in the algebra of all bounded linear operators.